Приветик. Палетка хайлайтеров Makeup Revolution Soph X влюбила меня в себя. В ней собраны те оттенки, которые я обожаю. Заказывала эту универсальную штучку в интернет-магазине Notino.ua. Сейчас, кстати действует хорошая скидка на палетку.
Мой любимый аромат у бренда Yves Rocher - это Парфюмерная Вода Comme une Evidence. Я еще с юных лет полюбила этот нежнейший, цветочный аромат и не могу отказать себе в удовольствии рассказать о Comme une Evidence вам, дорогие читатели и гости блога.
Привет всем. Бренд Garnier представил новую линию органической косметики BIO, которая получила сертификат французской организации Ecocert. Мне очень импонирует то, что бренд таким образом поддерживает программу по бережному отношению к окружающей среде.
В состав средств Garnier Bio входят аргановое масло, лемонграсс, лаванда и тимьян. Коллекция уже представлена в интернет-магазине Notino.ua.
You've got your hair extensions for length, volume or both, but now what? Hair extensions needn't just hang there lifeless, there's plenty of styles to be experimented with! Here at Additional Lengths, we love seeing different hairstyles created with hair extensions.
The positive of having human hair extensions like the luxurious ranges from the brand Remi Cachet, is that you're free to use heated stylers on the hair to create different looks. The looks, such as waves or curls, can then be washed out and you can start again with a new look! You're also able to use an array of hair products as you don't have to worry about them damaging the synthetic materials of non-human hair extensions. From texturising spray to shine serum, hair products can really add to the finished style.
Half up, half down
This is such a popular hairstyle because it allows you to have the full length of the underneath hair, whilst keeping the top layer up and off the face. It's a great look for hair extensions, but be warned that it may show the application joins depending on whether you have clip-in extensions or not. The top part can be tied into a topknot, or left as a partial pony tail.
Luxurious waves
Make like the Kardashian clan and embrace the luxurious long waves trend. Prep the hair with a heat protectant and use a curling wand on small sections of the hair to create loose waves from the mid-lengths of the hair with extra shine. This is a great way to get more volume and texture into your hair extensions.
Pretty plaits
Plaits are totally having a moment in the hair world lately but they don't have to give a school girl vibe. Divide the hair into two sections and start your plait high up on the scalp of French braids, or complete two plaits and wrap around the front of the head for a pretty crown style.
Ponytail extensions
We all know the struggle of growing out hair, waiting for it to reach a length that we're happy with. Or maybe you've grown tired of your bob cut and long for lengthier locks. Perhaps for a special occasion you want to completely transform your look. For this, we recommend the ponytail extension. Every girl should have a ready-made high quality ponytail extension ready to attach to your own hair by hair vendors at a minutes notice for an effortlessly sleek look.
Simply use some shine spray or serum to smooth down any flyaways from the crown and sides of the head and attach the hair piece to your own ponytail, while blending with the natural hair. Take a piece of the hair and wrap it around the base to conceal any clips, and secure in place with a hair grip. Just make sure you get the perfect colour match or it won't look natural!
Why not mix things up with your hair and experiment with a new colour? Maybe not an entirely new colour, but hints of it throughout the hair. This may be an acquired taste but injecting a pop of colour to your hair using the Additional Lengths clip-in instant colour streaks can be a fabulous way to jazz up a hair style. Opt for contrasting colours, such as turquoise or blue for dark hair, and pink for lighter hair. You could leave the hair down for the most colour, or tie it up or braid the hair so only small sections of colour will be visible.
The positive of having human hair extensions like the luxurious ranges from the brand Remi Cachet, is that you're free to use heated stylers on the hair to create different looks. The looks, such as waves or curls, can then be washed out and you can start again with a new look! You're also able to use an array of hair products as you don't have to worry about them damaging the synthetic materials of non-human hair extensions. From texturising spray to shine serum, hair products can really add to the finished style.
Half up, half down
This is such a popular hairstyle because it allows you to have the full length of the underneath hair, whilst keeping the top layer up and off the face. It's a great look for hair extensions, but be warned that it may show the application joins depending on whether you have clip-in extensions or not. The top part can be tied into a topknot, or left as a partial pony tail.
Luxurious waves
Make like the Kardashian clan and embrace the luxurious long waves trend. Prep the hair with a heat protectant and use a curling wand on small sections of the hair to create loose waves from the mid-lengths of the hair with extra shine. This is a great way to get more volume and texture into your hair extensions.

Pretty plaits
Plaits are totally having a moment in the hair world lately but they don't have to give a school girl vibe. Divide the hair into two sections and start your plait high up on the scalp of French braids, or complete two plaits and wrap around the front of the head for a pretty crown style.
Ponytail extensions
We all know the struggle of growing out hair, waiting for it to reach a length that we're happy with. Or maybe you've grown tired of your bob cut and long for lengthier locks. Perhaps for a special occasion you want to completely transform your look. For this, we recommend the ponytail extension. Every girl should have a ready-made high quality ponytail extension ready to attach to your own hair by hair vendors at a minutes notice for an effortlessly sleek look.
Simply use some shine spray or serum to smooth down any flyaways from the crown and sides of the head and attach the hair piece to your own ponytail, while blending with the natural hair. Take a piece of the hair and wrap it around the base to conceal any clips, and secure in place with a hair grip. Just make sure you get the perfect colour match or it won't look natural!
Why not mix things up with your hair and experiment with a new colour? Maybe not an entirely new colour, but hints of it throughout the hair. This may be an acquired taste but injecting a pop of colour to your hair using the Additional Lengths clip-in instant colour streaks can be a fabulous way to jazz up a hair style. Opt for contrasting colours, such as turquoise or blue for dark hair, and pink for lighter hair. You could leave the hair down for the most colour, or tie it up or braid the hair so only small sections of colour will be visible.
Привет. Сегодня я хочу поделиться с вами своими впечатлениями от диетической добавки Nutrilite Double X.
Привет всем. Я спешу рассказать о двух прекрасных средствах от бренда Caudalie, а именно об интенсивно увлажняющей сыворотке и креме Vinosource SOS.

There are lots of celebrities are wearing human virgin hair lace wigs from many years ago because of their undetectable and natural looking,and in a true form of our celebrity stalking culture we must of course follow suit. This time though unlike all those fad diets, that made us ill and the garish make up that make us look like we're performing in Christmas pantomime (I can't wait to do the lady Gaga look for our annual Halloween party),full lace wigs seem to be our best and most natural way to cover up hair lose, thinning hair or just to change your style with out dying, cutting.
Both the human hair lace front wig and the full lace wig are like wearing camouflage in the jungle rather than bright colors in comparison with a synthetic wig,but they are different things.The lace front wig is similar to a normal acrylic wig except it has a thin strip of lace that extends from ear to ear around the hairline. Then has each hair knotted singly giving a natural hair line. The rest of the cap if made the same as a normal wig, but this is still good if you need a lace wig that is slightly more durable than a full lace wig, however you would have to wear it down as there is no lace band around the back and you won't be able to style it as easily as the full lace wig.
This might not seem like a massive problem not putting you hair up,but imagine walking in the sunshine through the English country side,birds singing smell of fresh hay all those memories of holiday romances flooding through you mind,then the wind picks up,blowing your newly acquired hair everywhere.You are now wearing the fresh hair accessories and you've got hair stuck to you lip gloss,or if your like me in your mouth and whipping into your eyes!
You may be thinking that you would just be grateful to have hair to do that and the first time you may even just laugh but the 4th and 5th time it'll annoy you just as much as real hair and you'll want to tie it back.
Full lace wigs are made with a cap with lace base,where each hair strands are then tied by hand into the lace, the result being (unless you know what you looking for) a completely natural looking hair.The style can be changed as if it were your own this includes being to tie it back into a pony tail,without revealing anything more then a natural looking hair line.I know that tying you hair back in a pony tail isn't a big deal; I tend to chuck my hair up if I don't have time to do anything with it. I'd never even thought of it until writing this article but to do the same with a wig and have it look completely natural is a huge deal. A really good example would be Beyonces' hair in her Halo video, she shows just how pretty and natural a full lace wig could really be. (Not of course that I'm saying that it is a wig,it might not be it does look very, very natural)
Eclacewigs Hair is an educated, reputable, stable, honest and sincere company that's looking out for your best interest!It's the responsible thing to do!Protect your investment and yourself.
Both the human hair lace front wig and the full lace wig are like wearing camouflage in the jungle rather than bright colors in comparison with a synthetic wig,but they are different things.The lace front wig is similar to a normal acrylic wig except it has a thin strip of lace that extends from ear to ear around the hairline. Then has each hair knotted singly giving a natural hair line. The rest of the cap if made the same as a normal wig, but this is still good if you need a lace wig that is slightly more durable than a full lace wig, however you would have to wear it down as there is no lace band around the back and you won't be able to style it as easily as the full lace wig.

This might not seem like a massive problem not putting you hair up,but imagine walking in the sunshine through the English country side,birds singing smell of fresh hay all those memories of holiday romances flooding through you mind,then the wind picks up,blowing your newly acquired hair everywhere.You are now wearing the fresh hair accessories and you've got hair stuck to you lip gloss,or if your like me in your mouth and whipping into your eyes!
You may be thinking that you would just be grateful to have hair to do that and the first time you may even just laugh but the 4th and 5th time it'll annoy you just as much as real hair and you'll want to tie it back.
Full lace wigs are made with a cap with lace base,where each hair strands are then tied by hand into the lace, the result being (unless you know what you looking for) a completely natural looking hair.The style can be changed as if it were your own this includes being to tie it back into a pony tail,without revealing anything more then a natural looking hair line.I know that tying you hair back in a pony tail isn't a big deal; I tend to chuck my hair up if I don't have time to do anything with it. I'd never even thought of it until writing this article but to do the same with a wig and have it look completely natural is a huge deal. A really good example would be Beyonces' hair in her Halo video, she shows just how pretty and natural a full lace wig could really be. (Not of course that I'm saying that it is a wig,it might not be it does look very, very natural)
Eclacewigs Hair is an educated, reputable, stable, honest and sincere company that's looking out for your best interest!It's the responsible thing to do!Protect your investment and yourself.
Привет всем. Сегодня буду рассказывать о культовом смягчающем средстве Tender Care от бренда Oriflame. Вариаций средства очень много и наверняка кто-то коллекционирует милейшие бочоночки. Лично я от них в восторге.
Привет. Еще зимой я заказала себе в интернет-магазине Notino.ua нашумевший крем против морщин Mizon Collagen Power! Пользуюсь им уже довольно давно и готова поделиться своими впечатлениями.